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A queer woman fought back against a homophobe in a way that’s tearing LGBT Twitter apart 8Nov2019 07:04 EST

Picture it: You’re going about your day, shopping for groceries, when you become the victim of a hate crime from a homophobe.

What would you do?

This hypothetical scenario became a reality for Toronto-based Alyssa, and her way of dealing with it has divided Twitter.

In the wild tale which has amazed as much as it has appalled, Alyssa, 21, allegedly stole the bag from a woman who played a role in sending her to conversion therapy camp, she claimed, and used the money to pay for her rent.

a white woman spawned out of nowhere today and started being homophobic to me so I stole her purse and now miss thing's ID is resting in a target trashcan and her money is paying for my tacos and rent

— alyssa (@yourholygaymom) November 3, …

Full story:​te-crime-toronto-twitter/